As illicit drugs go, there are very few that are as notorious as cocaine. Every year, cocaine causes thousands of overdoses and health complications. For all the euphoria the substance can offer, the damage it does to mental and physical health makes using cocaine dangerous.
The Right Step Hill Country offers substance abuse treatment in San Antonio for individuals with cocaine use disorder. Call 1.844.675.1628 to learn how we can help you live a healthier, more gratifying, drug-free life.
Signs of Needing a Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center
If someone is unclear about whether their behavior or the behavior of a loved one qualifies as addiction, there is a litmus test. A group of physical and behavioral signs points squarely to cocaine addiction. Here’s a partial list of those cocaine addiction signs, both physical and behavioral:
- Constantly increasing doses and taking the drug more frequently to get the desired high
- Experiencing financial difficulties because of drug purchases
- Bleeding from the nostrils as a result of frequent cocaine snorting
- Preoccupation with securing more drugs
- Difficulty in personal relationships
- Inability to handle personal responsibilities
- Weight loss
If you or a loved one experiences any combination of these signs, they may have a cocaine addiction. A cocaine addiction rehab program can lead you or someone you love to lasting recovery.
Receiving Treatment in a Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in San Antonio
Once a person is ready to receive help, there are plenty of cocaine addiction rehab programs that can guide them toward lasting wellness. It’s just a matter of figuring out which cocaine addiction treatment center best meets their needs. However, there’s more that goes into the cocaine addiction process than most people might realize, so choosing the right center is crucial.
While cocaine withdrawal symptoms might not be as dangerous as heroin withdrawal, a good detox program has value. A cocaine addiction treatment center can address the safety of its clients, which is the primary reason many addiction treatment centers provide access to medically monitored detox programs.
As far as therapy, modern cocaine addiction treatment centers tend to offer a broader range of treatment options. From evidence-based therapies to dual diagnosis treatment, there’s something for everyone. No matter what options a therapist might present to an individual, the goal remains the same. They educate the client about their addiction and provide them with the resources to prevent chronic relapses.
How The Right Step Hill Country Can Help
The Right Step Hill Country takes great pride in our ability to bring our clients from addiction to enduring recovery. Whether in our cocaine addiction treatment center or through one of our aftercare programs, the client’s welfare is always essential. We maintain a full menu of traditional and evidence-based treatment options. There has to be something here to help everyone. Some examples of our treatment services:
- Inpatient programs for short-term and long-term care
- Outpatient rehab, intensive outpatient program, and partial hospitalization program
- Medically monitored detox programs for drugs and alcohol
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Addiction therapy programs
You have control over your fate. You can walk into our cocaine addiction treatment center and ask for help. Our team of compassionate professionals will support you every step of the way.
Call The Right Step Hill Country Today for Cocaine Addiction Treatment Services
The Right Step Hill Country is ready to stand by your side. We can start helping you feel better today. Call 1.844.675.1628 or complete our online form to learn more about how we can help you take the first step toward a life free from drugs and alcohol.