A woman in a black shirt is sitting down with one hand at her forehead and another on her neck. She is experiencing the long-term effects of alcohol.

The Long-Term Effects of Alcohol

Americans have a long and complex relationship with alcohol. Going as far back as the 1820s, the temperance movement advocated for moderation or abstinence from alcohol. Very recently, the surgeon general said that alcoholic beverages should include cancer warnings akin to those on cigarette packaging.1 Because alcohol is legal and its use is heavily marketed, many do not view it as a “drug.” However, alcohol is classified as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. Other CNS depressants include benzodiazepines, marijuana, and opioids.  

If you know someone who struggles with alcohol use disorder (AUD), you understand that it can be as devastating as another other drug addiction. Contrary to popular belief, you need not “hit rock bottom” before getting help. At Hill Country, our alcohol rehab in the San Antonio, TX, area offers comprehensive treatment for all levels of AUD. Call 1.844.675.1628 to get help today. We are available around the clock.  

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) 

Alcohol addiction, now called alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a complex, chronic disease that impacts all areas of life. AUD can range from mild to severe. Individuals with AUD have a psychological and physical dependence on alcohol. They have difficulty controlling their urge to drink and the amount they drink despite the negative consequences caused by drinking.  

Many people with mild to moderate AUD remain in denial about it because, while they abuse or depend on alcohol, they maintain a passable level of daily functioning. People with this level of AUD are often referred to as “high-functioning alcoholics.” They may present well to those around them but struggle internally. No matter the level of functioning a person can maintain, prolonged alcohol abuse increases the long-term effects of AUD on mental, physical, and social well-being.  

Moderate to severe AUD is more easily recognizable. Still, individuals may remain in denial and be defensive if confronted. Watching someone you love struggle with AUD is frustrating and heartbreaking. It’s essential to find the balance between being supportive and enabling. Being informed about AUD can help with this balance and guide you in knowing how to help your loved one.  

The Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Use Disorder  

Chronic or heavy drinking can have a range of effects on an individual’s health while also impacting the well-being of their loved ones. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down central nervous system functioning. Years of excessive drinking impact your entire being, from your organs and brain functioning to your mental health.  

Some additional long-term effects of alcohol use disorder include: 

  • Liver functioning – Fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, liver cancer, and cirrhosis are caused by excessive alcohol use and can be life-threatening. 
  • Brain functioning – AUD can cause memory loss, difficulty concentrating, neurological disorders, mood disorders, and peripheral nerve damage. 
  • Cardiovascular functioning – AUD increases the risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes. 
  • Digestive functioning – Ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal damage, and malnutrition can result from AUD.  
  • Cancer – AUD is recognized as a leading cause of several types of cancer, including breast, colorectal, liver, mouth, throat, and esophageal.  
  • Weakened immunity – AUD suppresses the immune system, increasing the risk of infections like tuberculosis and pneumonia.  

Other potential long-term effects of alcohol use disorder include reduced libido, fertility issues, poor bone health, and sleep disorders. AUD frequently co-occurs with mental health issues, creating a vicious cycle wherein the symptoms of one influence and perpetuate the symptoms of the other.  

Enroll in Alcohol Rehab at Hill Country Today 

Identifying alcohol use disorder can be challenging, particularly in the early stages. If you are questioning your relationship with alcohol, or your drinking is interfering with daily life in some noticeable way, you will likely benefit from some level of alcohol treatment. 

At Hill Country, we provide the full continuum of care, from intake through aftercare services. Our experienced addiction specialists can work with you to determine the best level of care to suit your needs. Our 12-step approach relies on evidence-based and holistic therapies to help you regain control and begin your journey to recovery. We’re available 24/7. Call 1.844.675.1628 to enroll in alcohol rehab today. You can also reach us online to schedule an appointment to speak with a member of our team.


  1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – U.S. Surgeon General Issues New Advisory on Link Between Alcohol and Cancer Risk
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